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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Anniversary Week, Day 1

Hey guys spencer7x7 here, this is day one of anniversary week so as promised there will be a blog post everyday about a past LP. Today I start with the first ever LP that put us on the map sorta.

This is Let's Play MapleStory Aran Adventure XD!!!.

Before we were Weegee Bros. Productions, my channel had just nothing good, just random stuffs like Dancing Pikachu and etc. It started when mydim3 and I were watching LP's like Pokemon Vietnamese Crystal by DeliciousCinnamon and stuff by SmilingSuncake and Chongo. But the main reason is because of the Let's Play The Aran Adventure by SkullBoy and The MapleStory Adventure by the same guy. They were good and funny LPs but were kinda incomplete. Also mydim3 suggested we do a MapleStory LP about Aran and I said good idea, so we decided to just do it.

Before the Let's Play ,we used FRAPS for recording, but FRAPS sucked, it takes up too much space and time trying to convert the video to a YouTube friendly format. So Bandicam was used ever since and I have not come back to FRAPS ever since. So, about a year ago we decided to record the first episode, since doing a REAL Maple LP is grindy and tedious we decided to go to a Private Server, namely ExtaliaMS.
Extalia's low and adjustable rate makes this the perfect server for doing the LP. Unlike other Maple LPs, we decided to focus on story, so we had to do the story quests to get the skills (which was at the them the only place to get them, before the Chaos update). Mydim3 and I also did everything together for most of the LP, with mydim3 and I making commentary via the text box. We did not have microphone so we could not do voice commentary for the first few LPs until LP6, but that is another story.

Episodes were usually about 20-30 minutes parts, I picked to do 20-30 minutes because it was about the length of a TV show, not too long but not too short. Episodes were uploaded daily so that people like us can either watch them all at once when they stack up, or watch daily.

This Let's Play had the following:

  • First Let's Play Ever- Duh.....
  • Third Longest Let's Play as of posting date- This had 22 episodes and a 1 extra episode, divided into 76 parts total, overall it lasted nearly 28 hours and it was the longest until LPs 5 and 7 came.
  • First Let's Play with Playlist Cover- The Playlist Cover is a long tradition that was borrowed from SmilingSuncakeStudios, it's basically a promo image of the game with the logo, characters and the text  "LET'S PLAY". Early covers were made with Pain but now they are made in GIMP. Also, even though  SmilingSuncakeStudios does not use playlist cover's anymore, we still use them because of the tradition.
  • 5th Most Viewed Let's Play- as of now the most viewed episode is 15 Part 1 with 465 views and episode 1 Part 1 has about 397 views.
  • One of Two Let's Plays without a trailer- this Let's Play was all of a sudden so there was no trailer.The Other LP was 3.0.
So overall Aran Adventure XD, was a success for us, and it started a trilogy of MapleStory, but that's another story. This LP may have  been long and boring, but mydim3 and I will remember it forever.

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