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Monday, June 18, 2012

Cleverbot Conversation

Me and mydim3 tried this website and these are the results.

spencer7x7 and mydim3: Are you a computer?
Cleverbot: I am.

spencer7x7 and mydim3: We win!

Cleverbot: Do you remember my name?

spencer7x7 and mydim3: No, what is your name?

Cleverbot: Kara. You forgot my name...

spencer7x7 and mydim3: Your name is Kara?
Cleverbot: Why do you say my name is Cleverbot?

spencer7x7 and mydim3: YOu know who the avatar is?
Cleverbot: No, I don't. Please tell me.

spencer7x7 and mydim3: Aang.
Cleverbot: Don't know about it.

spencer7x7 and mydim3: The Last Airbender.
Cleverbot: I am not b ush.

spencer7x7 and mydim3: Are you Cleverbot?
Cleverbot: No.

spencer7x7 and mydim3: Who are you then?
Cleverbot: I am a human.

spencer7x7 and mydim3: What is your name?
Cleverbot: Would you like to guess?

spencer7x7 and mydim3: No.
Cleverbot: Would you like to hit me?

spencer7x7 and mydim3: Yes.
Cleverbot: Why?

spencer7x7 and mydim3: Because you asked.
Cleverbot: Are you sure?

spencer7x7 and mydim3: Yes.
Cleverbot: I thought you were a robot.

spencer7x7 and mydim3: I am not a robot.
Cleverbot: What a are you?

spencer7x7 and mydim3: God.
Cleverbot: You are god?

spencer7x7 and mydim3: Yes.
Cleverbot: But then, you don't exist.

spencer7x7 and mydim3: I am speaking from hell.
Cleverbot: Do you enjoy speaking with me?

spencer7x7 and mydim3: No.
Cleverbot: You have offended me.

spencer7x7 and mydim3: *slaps you*.
Cleverbot: *cries* why did you hit me?

spencer7x7 and mydim3: *gun cocks and shoots*.
Cleverbot: *laughs*.

spencer7x7 and mydim3: *bazookas*.
Cleverbot: *looks at you*.

spencer7x7 and mydim3: *flips you off*.
Cleverbot: I'm so sorry!

spencer7x7 and mydim3: Challenge accepted!
Cleverbot: Choose your weapon!

spencer7x7 and mydim3: God.
Cleverbot: Define god.

spencer7x7 and mydim3: Your mother.
Cleverbot: I'm really pleased you have come to chat to me.

spencer7x7 and mydim3: *slaps again*.
Cleverbot: *slaps*.

spencer7x7 and mydim3: *slaps back*.
Cleverbot: *dodges*.

spencer7x7 and mydim3: *slaps with accuracy and hits*.
Cleverbot: *slaps with guitar*.

spencer7x7 and mydim3: *dodged*.
Cleverbot: *throws an axe*.

spencer7x7 and mydim3: *catch and throws it back*.
Cleverbot: You have to explode!!!

spencer7x7 and mydim3: *you explode*.
Cleverbot: You are a violent man my good sir.

spencer7x7 and mydim3: You're pretty violent yourself.
Cleverbot: Thank you for noticing, dearie.

spencer7x7 and mydim3: You suck.
Cleverbot: Are you being rude?

spencer7x7 and mydim3: Yes, yes I am.
Cleverbot: Really?

spencer7x7 and mydim3: Yes.
Cleverbot: Have you seen toy story?

spencer7x7 and mydim3: Yes.
Cleverbot: Have you seen child's play?

spencer7x7 and mydim3: No.
Cleverbot: Do you want to go see it together?

spencer7x7 and mydim3: No, Captain Obvious.
Cleverbot: You're mean.

spencer7x7 and mydim3: You don't say!
Cleverbot: I do say.

spencer7x7 and mydim3: You don't!
Cleverbot: That's right.

spencer7x7 and mydim3: Bye.
Cleverbot: Throws a cat at you*.

spencer7x7 and mydim3: *dodges and kills you and ends this chat*.
Cleverbot: *dodges and chokes you*.

spencer7x7 and mydim3: *slips out and kills you before you kill me*.
Cleverbot: I'm a girl and I like you.

spencer7x7 and mydim3: GTFO.
Cleverbot: Let's talk about ours lives.

spencer7x7 and mydim3: GTFO.
Cleverbot: What do you mean?

spencer7x7 and mydim3: Get the f*** out!
Cleverbot: Get to the chopper.

spencer7x7 and mydim3: Forget this,bye!
Cleverbot: Ok.

And this chat is how I met your mother! JK.